Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Task three
Hi I have just completed task two & three.  I thought I would try and amalgamate the two tasks in one!

 I downloaded the image from Pixabay as I liked the look of the website.  It looks user friendly and accessible not to mention not having to worry about copyright.  I have used Google images in the past when advertising for library events and never considered that this could be a intellectual property theft! This is even more important at the moment for me as I am heading out into student lecture halls telling them about plagiarism and how to avoid it! Maybe when it is an image you don't even think this was taken by somebody and they put time & effort into this.  I will be a lot more conscious of where I am getting my images in future.
I did try Flickr but was put off by the homepage asking you to join.  I thought it looked a little difficult but  I just need to play around with it. So that will be my next exercise. 
I will try and post another image in the future so I can see where went wrong with the first one.
Brief introduction

Hi, this is my first ever blog post.  I am a library assistant based in an Institute of Technology.  Prior to this I worked in public libraries.  I fell into the library world by accident when I spotted an advert for a job as a Branch Librarian in a public library.  I had completed college and was not sure what to do with myself.  I had considered applying for the MLIS during my BA but was put off by the fact that I didn't have any library experience!  I finally got there and completed my MLIS, and thereafter got a Library Assistant post in another public library.  I recently moved into academic libraries as I felt I needed a change and a challenge.  So, far I am still adjusting.  I am member of the cataloguing team so am learning new skills.  I want to stretch myself further and this is why I am doing this course as I am not the most experienced on social media.  And want gain practical experience in doing it rather than just reading about it.

Reflective practice

REFLECTIVE PRACTICE This is my reflective practice post.  I have broken it into three areas.  It is simply divided by THING 3, THING 4 ...